How swedes take spring
Läste på spiderchicks blogg och såg denna listan, haha! Allt stämmer så himla bra, haha! :p
How the Swedes take the spring:
1. When the first solstrålar comes igenom the clouds we act like we have not seen the sun i six months! Och det har vi inte heller.
2. The first day of spring we act like Orvar I Bröderna Lejonhjärta when he comes out from the Kattlagrotta. You know Orvar? Yes? No? The Kattlagrotta? No?
3. For half a year we have not understood why we even live i norden, but when the spring comes it make sense igen.
4. We start seeing our trädgårdar again. This means we suddenly have to take care of the gardens and this is a little kluvet because most people find it rätt boring.
5. We get really confused regarding kläder in the spring. You can wear a t-shirt and then pass someone on the street dressed in dunjacka.
6. But all in all most swedes thinks that 5 plusgrader and sol is a rimligt t-shirtväder.
7. We get SO SO excited när vi ser kommunen sopa grus. Sopa grus means barmark and barmark means pure happiness!

8. Some of us get so happy over the spring that we get depressed. It is true. Its called vårdepression.
9. We start thinking that GB:s glasskarta is really important. Sometimes we even debate over the new glassorter. Many people for exampel wants sorten Banana Joe to come back.
10. We scream out loud when we see a flower called snödroppe in the rabatt! No. We are not afraid. We are happy!
11. And then we have to fota the snödroppe and publish on instagram.

12. Actually, we love to talk aboute the spring in social media! I guess we are afraid that if we don´t - someone will miss it.
13. The absolut best part of spring is the uteserveringar! We love to sit där and titta på other people.
14. But pass opp! It can be cold on the uteservering så se till that you sit cloes to the infravärme to avoid urinvägsinfektion.
Welcome to meet the spring in Sweden!